Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

Well, I'm back in Cleveland. I flew in yesterday, and am already kind of bored. Don't know how long this unemployment thing can last before I go nuts.

I don't really remember how I felt when I came home last year. It might sound dumb, but it's just such an adjustment. Life can be so fast paced on the road with moving around all the time. You always have somewhere to GO. Whether it's the theatre, or the next city, or to find food- you always have to leave to go do something. And, you always have SOMEONE to go with. I had about 45 people around me every day who needed to do the same things. Want to hang out at night? No problem. 45 people to choose from who are either with you on the bus or at the hotel. Mind you, I didn't want to see some of them, but they were still around. :) What's funny is that many nights I just wanted to do my own thing, but now that I'm home, I have the itch to always be doing something probably because I know I can't.

The other thing is adjusting to the time schedule of "normal" people. I ate dinner at 6:30 tonight! Honestly, there are days on the road when I didn't even eat lunch until 4:00. Really. It's just a later life. You work late, you eat late, you stay up late, you wake up late. It's 12:30pm right now, I've been up since 8:00, and I feel like it's super early to go to bed. Problem is there there is no one ELSE up! :) Gotta work on this one.

It's also hard to adjust to being in one place for a while. It just gets stagnant. The good news here is that I am going to Disney World next week, probably going to Chicago a few weeks after that, then going to Canada, then going to Germany and France. Sooooo.... that might help.

One more thing about touring and then coming home- you kind of expect everything to be as it was when you left, but it is so not the case. Friends have gotten married, had babies, moved, met new people. They're used to me being gone, but when I come home I think of it as being the same as when I left. Make sense?

Anyway, those are my thoughts on being home. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being back with my mom and sister and family, and it's going to be a fun summer, but it's just a little strange right now. I actually took my clothes off hangers today when I got dressed instead of out of a suitcase. Hhmmm.

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