Last week, my mom, sister and I went to Disney World. It was so much fun! We really lucked out on numerous things to make it a fairly cheap vacation. I worked at the Disney Store in high school (so dorky) and my mom bought tickets at my discounted price, knowing they would never expire. Well, 11 years later, we used them! She bought the 4 day park hoppers for about $100, and now the same ticket is about $260. Then, my friends wife helped us out with booking The Beach Club hotel with her cast discount, so we got that for 40% off, split between the three of us. It was a GREAT location- walking distance to EPCOT, and a boat ride away from MGM (actually now it's called Hollywood Studios).

We hit all four parks in three days. And let me tell ya- it was HOT!! It was fine in the morning and evening, but mid-day was pretty bad. It's not like it ruined our vacation or anything, but after about 15 minutes, we had to find AC. Even the bathrooms there are air conditioned, so there was always somewhere close to cool off! I swear, almost every person was walking around with these fans that had a water sprayer on them that Disney sold. They were
$17 a pop! Gotta love Disney...
We had some great dinners while we were there, and tried a few new things. We ate at a seafood place in Downtown Disney, Morocco and France in EPCOT, and the Prime Time Cafe in MGM. EPCOT is by far my favorite park because I love the World Showcase! They really make you feel like you are in that country. We of course had to take pictures in all of them. I also really enjoyed the Animal Kingdom because I have not spent a lot of time there, so it was fairly new to me.

One thing that was just ridiculous to me was to see how over weight people are. It's really kind of gross. We actually saw fat KIDS. Like toddlers who were off the charts! And apparently, motorized wheel chairs (or Rascals, as BA refers to them as) are an acceptable way for obese people to tour Disney. They were everywhere! I mean,
come on. I don't think that is going to help their situation! BA and I found one parked in a corner, so she posed on it for us. The other frustrating thing about the trip was the large amount of foreign people there. I would honestly say that about 1 in 5 people spoke English. I am pretty sure South America migrated to Florida for the week. Which is totally fine, but culturally, they are just louder than we are, and they have not been told about the "personal space bubble" us Americans need around us. :)

Our legs and feet hurt so bad at the end of each day in was unreal! But overall, it was a really fun trip, and a nice week for us three girls!

don't knock the rascal, Shannon!! It's my new bff