I started interning at Magic when I was going into my Sophomore year in college. At the time, they were producing concerts, which I just thought was the coolest thing in the world! (It kind of was). They were working on Janet, Backstreet, Cher, CSNY, Brandy... even though I was just answering the phones and filing, I was in heaven.
The best thing about this office was the people. Lee once said at our Christmas dinner that he never hired anyone he didn't like. And because of that, we have always had a great group. The word "family" is often used. The second best thing about the office is that it is actually a house, in a nice suburb of Cleveland (Aurora). Kind of out there in the boonies, but how great was it to go to work in jeans, and work out of an old bedroom?! With Coco, Lee's dog running around?!
I decided to transfer from ASU to Cleveland State, and I worked part time in the office for the Titanic Exhibition, and a few other projects here and there.
I graduated from college, and after a few months, Lee hired me to work full time. I remember him telling me that he didn't have a position open, but to show up the next week and we would figure it out. Four years later, I was at the Olympics with Sasha and Evan, and had learned more than I ever could have imagined.

In Torino with Shelley, Evan, and Lee

When the figure skating chapter was over, I decided to take the job with Superstar (Lee is a producer). And now two years later, I have learned about the road, and have worked with media and theatres in almost every city in the U.S. and Canada.

I have always said that unless I absolutely have to, I never want to work for anyone but Lee. He has been the world's greatest boss and teacher, and has created something so special within his Magic world. While I am excited that they are starting a life in Utah, it's a little scary! He will always be in this business, because it's just what he does, and he's too good to not do it. I just hope that I will too, and that I use everything I have learned over the last 10 years to do it as well as he would expect me too.
Wow! you really have had quite an amazing job! you are so lucky to have had all those wonderful experiences with people you enjoy!