We finished up our fun week in Newark with me being sick- yay! I am still getting over this cold... but it didn't stop us from eating our way through the rest of the stay.
Darrel, Jason and I went to lunch on his birthday at one of those Brazilian meat places. You know- where they bring out the meat on a stick and slice it onto your plate. Darrel and I had Easter dinner at a Spanish place where each meal was enough for three. And THEN, Darrel, Ray, myself, and Phil from Hershey (the restaurant owner we love) met in NYC on Monday for dinner at the restaurant Darrel used to work at, called Becco. Becco rocks. They put us at the best table in the place, and treated us like kings! We ate and ate and drank and drank. I mean, really?! Good thing I am unemployed in three weeks- I can join a gym. Not really.
Tuesday- Providence, RI
Wednesday- Waterbury, CT
Thursday- Springfield, MA
And we have pretty much done.... nothing! I have been catching up on work, we have watched TV, I did laundry, we stopped at Wal Mart and a discount liquor store, and that's about it. A very exciting week out here on the road.
This weekend we are in Easton, PA and then we have about a 1,200 mile drive to get to Arkansas. I am actually excited about Arkansas because I have not been there before. For the last month or so, we have been playing in cities Darrel and I have already been to. Kind of losing the excitement of touring, when it's not new anymore. Hopefully Little Rock will be everything I dream of and more! :)
Ray's fish looks amazing. Can I have some?