Hot Springs was a destination for the wealthy and others in the 19th century. They went to visit "America's first spa". There are hot springs there that were supposed to heal ailments. Doctor's actually prescribed people to go there, for things like hemorrhoids!! It has the best collection of bath houses in America, called Bathhouse Row. These bathhouses have stained glass windows, billiards rooms, bronze statues, marble- unreal. Most of them are closed now (the "grandest" of them is now the visitor's center), but the Buckstaff Bathhouse remains open, and that is where Darrel and I went. It has been open since 1912!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Hot Springs was a destination for the wealthy and others in the 19th century. They went to visit "America's first spa". There are hot springs there that were supposed to heal ailments. Doctor's actually prescribed people to go there, for things like hemorrhoids!! It has the best collection of bath houses in America, called Bathhouse Row. These bathhouses have stained glass windows, billiards rooms, bronze statues, marble- unreal. Most of them are closed now (the "grandest" of them is now the visitor's center), but the Buckstaff Bathhouse remains open, and that is where Darrel and I went. It has been open since 1912!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Bartlesville, OK
We had quite an exciting time here today in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. (Where, you ask)? It was really nice out earlier today. Then there we are hanging out in the hotel lobby when the tornado drills started. The only tornado drill I had ever heard until today was in elementary school when we used to practice what we would do if one hit. A little different. This is a huge city siren that goes off along poles up and down the street. Freaky! The sky was totally black and the wind was whipping. I guess this is a common thing here in Oklahoma, but all of us were in awe! Then it started to pour rain. Unfortunately, some of our friends were walking home from lunch when it started- they had to mop the lobby after they went back to their rooms.
Needless to say, we are all alive and well. Headed into St. Louis tonight for about 24 hours, then off to Muncie, IN!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Little Rock, AR

Thursday, April 16, 2009
New England
Darrel, Jason and I went to lunch on his birthday at one of those Brazilian meat places. You know- where they bring out the meat on a stick and slice it onto your plate. Darrel and I had Easter dinner at a Spanish place where each meal was enough for three. And THEN, Darrel, Ray, myself, and Phil from Hershey (the restaurant owner we love) met in NYC on Monday for dinner at the restaurant Darrel used to work at, called Becco. Becco rocks. They put us at the best table in the place, and treated us like kings! We ate and ate and drank and drank. I mean, really?! Good thing I am unemployed in three weeks- I can join a gym. Not really.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Eating Our Way Through New Haven

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Hershey, PA Part II
Friday, April 3, 2009
Yankees Night!

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Larger Than Life
That being said, one week in D.C., one week of one nighters in FL and CT and PA since then, has made me a.... fatty!! My jeans are so terribly tight- legging outfits are on the rise. My shirts are too tight... dresses here I come!
I tell myself that our way of life makes this happen, and it does. I eat dinner every night at 11:00pm. I have drinks with dinner. I have not had a vegetable not cooked in oil in months, and I actually usually pick the potato instead. A home cooked meal happened once in February, and once in March.
I'm sure the fact that I am in Hershey, PA right now, and there is free chocolate at the theatre, is really going to help.
My next bog will be about the fabulous night I had in Tampa at a Yankees game (lots of food and drink there!).... until then, over and out with my sweat pants!