The walk was nice enough- minus the GEESE POOP EVERYWHERE! I mean, there were hundreds and hundreds of them. Minneapolis must be a pit stop on the way down South.
I ducked into a rather large greenhouse/conservatory to check out what they had in there. There was a giant glass sculpture of a fish, called ironically, Standing Glass Fish. I sat in there for a little bit to warm up before going to check out the main draw of the Garden.
The giant spoon and cherry! It's called Spoonbridge and Cherry. There were actually quite a few people around, so everyone was taking turns taking photos of each other with the spoon. When I say there was geese poop everywhere, I mean you could barely see the grass! There was a family standing around on the sidewalk and their little toddler was running around on the grass. I nicely let them know what the "situation" was out there, and the mom called out for him to come back. Don't think the kid face plants as he's running, gets up, and well... you can imagine what the front of his jacket and pants looked like! All the parents could do was laugh- it was just too gross!
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