I had some free time earlier this week, so I decided to take the train out to the Mall of America in Minneapolis. Oh. My. God.
I knew it was going to be huge, but I didn't realize it literally has it's own zip code! I did a little research on it, and found that there are over 500 stores, it covers 4.3 miles, and has more visitors a year than Disney World, Graceland and the Grand Canyon combined!
I only had about three hours, and I barely made it all the way around the first floor. The only disappointing thing to me what how many stores are duplicated. There are numerous Gaps, Victoria's Secrets, etc. But really, what does it matter? It's not like anyone could cover all that ground in a day anyway!
Hey its mark B from jcs. I am still following your touring antics on this blog. Yay for your 101 gig. Keep these awesome posts up.