Over the two and a half weeks, I have been in:
Indy, Sarasota, Daytona Beach, Valdosta, Clearwater, Ft. Pierce, Toledo, Macomb, Green Bay, and Normal. Next week I will be in Henerson, Montgomery, Columbus (GA), Savannah, Augusta, and Columbia.
And that is whey I have not blogged! Indy was great because we were there for a week. Great food and fun. But since then, it's been bus ride after bus ride after hotel room after hotel room after theatre after theatre. I forgot my hotel room number tonight for the second time of my touring life. And I've been in hundreds of hotels. You just lose track.
The weather was beautiful when we were in Sarasota, and I did quite a number on myself. Our hotel was right on the beach, and I have NEVER burned like that in my life. It's been 10 days, and the itch finally stopped and the peel has started. I wasn't even the color of a human. So dumb.
I can't wait for this leg of the tour to be over!
The scene of the crime- Lido Beach

LOL'ing at your sunburn! Sorry!!