This past weekend I went to my friend Katy's wedding shower in St. Louis! The great thing about this was it was a couple's shower on Saturday night. The whole "night shower" thing was really fun- everyone relaxed, chatted and enjoyed the great food and cocktails. Unfortunately, Darrel was not able to come with me because of work, so I was single at the couple's shower. But I still had a great weekend.

Katy and I were roommates for one year at Arizona State, when I was a sophomore. Ironically, our other roommate was also named Katy. The three of us have stayed in touch over the years, some years more than others. This was the FIRST time since we were at ASU that the three of us have actually been together! And that was a while ago, let me tell you. We have done things separately and visited, but never all three of us. It's funny how times change-Chicago Katy is now a mom of two beautiful little girls, St. Louis Katy is getting married and inheriting the cutest little five year old in the world, and then there's me.... still workin' on it! :) We are all in different places in life, but all that matters is that we have stayed good friends, and will continue to do so. Sometimes it takes something fun like a wedding to get old friends together!
I stayed at Katy's house with her fiance and his little boy on Friday night, and we just hung out and cooked out. Then we picked up Chicago Katy and her husband on Saturday afternoon, had lunch, and checked out where the wedding and reception is going to be. It's going to be awesome- can't wait! Then we were off to the amazing party her mom's friend threw at her beautiful home.
Check out how CUTE some of the decorations and ideas were at the shower!!
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