We spent Friday and Saturday in Baltimore, and once again, LUCKED OUT with the weather. For some odd reason, we did not have a matinee show on Saturday. Since offices are not open, I didn't really have work to do, so that gave us the whole day free! I was hoping to catch up with a few of my relatives that live in the area, but they are on a two week cruise. Bummer for them, right?!
I spent time in Baltimore the first year of tour, so I had covered a lot of Baltimore ground already. But with the weather being so perfect, Darrel and I had to head out to the Inner Harbor again. There were so many kids and families out walking around- I never really have "Saturdays" anymore because I am always at a theater. It put a smile on my face to see them all running around!

The Inner Harbor just such a great area- lots of restaurants and shops, and it's right on the water. We had heard about this restaurant called The Rusty Scupper that you had to take a water taxi to. Forgetting it was the dead of winter thanks to the 60 degree weather, we went to get the taxi, only to find out it was closed for the season. Then we realized we could walk there in about ten minutes- I'm happy we didn't hop on the $9.00 boat!

Our friend Jayson is always up for exploring with us, so the three of us had a really good lunch, right on the water. The crab cakes were
so good! Totally worth the $15.00 price tag. For one. :)

We were walking through a little shopping center on the way back to the hotel, and ran across a fudge store that was doing a little... well, I guess just watch. And at the end, we got a free sample. Just one more reason I love touring so much- you just never know what you are going to find around the next corner!
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