Yesterday, for the first time in my
life, I went to the Cleveland Municipal parking lot to tailgate for the Browns/Steelers game. Why I haven't been doing this for years is beyond me!! It's totally insane, crazy, and fun. Just to see all of the Browns buses people have and to see all of the guys dressed up like total football freaks is worth it.
We met Alisa and her friends because they were set up right at the front of the lot. Music, grill, KEG (really?!), and a fun group of people. We hung out there (where we watched a man literally wipe out next to us thanks to some Jack Daniels) and then took a walk to check out the scene. We stole some beers, got yelled at for the Steelers jersey a friend had on, saw some cornhole being played, and wound up on top of a bus with my cousin. The only bad part of the day was having to use the Port-O-Potty.

All day, it looked like it was going to pour, but it never really did. However, thanks to Ike, the wind was CRAZY!!! We saw on TV later that it was over 50 mph, but when we were outside, it just felt like the world was going to come to an end or something. The lot started to clear out when the wind hit hard, around 7:00. Garbage was flying through the air, tents were blowing across the lot... We decided to head back to my apartment, and the walk home was the windiest (is that a word?) walk of my life. It would literally stop you mid-step and you would kind of blow over a little bit. Even the metal newspaper machines fell over! Not a good day for contacts. We got back to my place and I was sweating because it was like a workout trying to fight the wind to get home!
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