We just spent the last week in Hartford, and I was quite impressed! The downtown area is really nice, and things actually stay open late, which is something we have a difficult time with. Most downtown areas shut down early and are closed on weekends, but we had no trouble finding food, bars, stores, etc.
There was a really nice park right in the middle of the city that we had to walk through to get to work every day. I think I would have enjoyed it more if my allergies were not KILLING me! They are horrible! I am taking Claritin every day, and can still barely stand it.
There were a few nights people went out- Cinco de Mayo (obviously I did not take Spanish because I doubt that is how you spell that), a birthday, a good friend in town visiting, aaannndddd- the Circus!
Barnum and Baily was there for the weekend, and the arena was literally right next to the Hilton we were staying at. A bunch of us got tickets for the 11am matinee on Friday. It was so fun! I don't even remember the last time I went to the circus. Of course, we were all interested in what the crew guys were doing, guessing where they stay, where they are from, and overall how the whole thing works. Being in show business ruins things like this for us to a certain level. We came to find out that it's like back in the day- they literally stay on a train! There is no way they could afford to house everyone, so it totally makes sense. But how weird is that? A big 'ol circus train still comes to town with freaks and animals living on it.
Unfortunately, I can't show you any pics of our funny day because ever since I got Windows Vista, I can't download photos from my camera. I just can't figure out what the problem is. I feel like I have tried absolutely everything. I'm no computer dummy, but I have no clue. I honestly think I am just going to buy a new camera next week and give up on my three year old little Sony. :)
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