Thursday, April 22, 2010
Goodbye 101
Well, it's over. The tour has ended, about a year earlier than I hoped it would. It was a fun show, and a great company. And at least we ended the tour at Madison Square Garden-we went out in style!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
NYC Week Two
Our second week in NY was actually really nice. Minus the fact that I don't really care for the City, but I made the best of it.
We had Monday and Tuesday off, and came into the City on Tuesday to meet up with friends and hang out for the day. I intended on doing something New York-ish, but we wound up meeting up with so many different people that the day kind of slipped away. But Thursday, we went to get sushi, and went to the Top Of The Rock. It was $21 a person. I thought that was insane! Like it really costs that to run an elevator all day? They did have information you could read about the history of Rockefeller Center, which was interesting. But it was a really nice day, and the views were great. That night, everyone met out to celebrate Kevin's birthday, and it was kind of the last night all of us could go out together. Sad, but really, really fun.

One of the best things about being here was seeing old friends. My cousin, Jen, Tim Goebel, one of the figure skaters I worked with, and lots of friends from Superstar. My career has given me the opportunity to meet so many genuinely good friends from all over, the above being a few of them.
We had Monday and Tuesday off, and came into the City on Tuesday to meet up with friends and hang out for the day. I intended on doing something New York-ish, but we wound up meeting up with so many different people that the day kind of slipped away. But Thursday, we went to get sushi, and went to the Top Of The Rock. It was $21 a person. I thought that was insane! Like it really costs that to run an elevator all day? They did have information you could read about the history of Rockefeller Center, which was interesting. But it was a really nice day, and the views were great. That night, everyone met out to celebrate Kevin's birthday, and it was kind of the last night all of us could go out together. Sad, but really, really fun.
One of the best things about being here was seeing old friends. My cousin, Jen, Tim Goebel, one of the figure skaters I worked with, and lots of friends from Superstar. My career has given me the opportunity to meet so many genuinely good friends from all over, the above being a few of them.
Headed back to Cleveland tonight- time to get that condo in order!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
NYC Week One
We are here in New York City for two weeks. Our LAST two weeks of this tour, actually. As much as I would like to say I have been a tourist, I have kind of been slacking. But I had big plans headed into this! Kevin and I are staying out on Long Island, and it's an hour commute each way for us to get to Madison Square Garden. I think if I was actually staying in Manhattan that I would have gotten out more, but I kind of like hanging out where it is quiet and slower paced.
I have met up with friends and family over the last week, but the only touristy (is that a word?) thing we did was hop on the Staten Island Ferry last Thursday. It was a beautiful day out, and the ferry is free. So we just rode it over, and rode it back. I think I might have done it about 10 years ago, but I'm not positive. Something struck a memory cord there. Regardless, it was a fun thing to do when we had a few hours to kill.

On another note.... what comes next? Kevin and I were hoping to go to Europe this Monday (a little last minute, I know). We have had our eye on a cruise from Lauderdale to Barcelona, for 16 nights. We wanted to go over, spend some time in Spain, visit my sister in France, and his friend in Germany. Kevin had to wait to make the decision for reasons I won't even get into, and finally yesterday, we flipped a coin over it. The coin said we were going, but fate did not. Even though it was still advertised, the cruise was sold out when we called to book it. So there goes that month in Europe. There are some other options we are interested in for May, so we will keep an eye on those. Everything happens for a reason.
I have met up with friends and family over the last week, but the only touristy (is that a word?) thing we did was hop on the Staten Island Ferry last Thursday. It was a beautiful day out, and the ferry is free. So we just rode it over, and rode it back. I think I might have done it about 10 years ago, but I'm not positive. Something struck a memory cord there. Regardless, it was a fun thing to do when we had a few hours to kill.
So now I am going to be responsible next week, and head back to Cleveland to finish up getting work done at the condo, and maybe even move. Then we might go to Canada for a week, then maybe a cruise to Europe? Who knows. As crazy as it might sound, I like being unemployed for short periods of time. It gives me the freedom to do what I want and go where I want, and I love that. It's going to be hard for me if I have to go back to a 9 to 5 after these last four years. I am confident that I will be able to come up with something that fits my lifestyle if I just give it time. I am not in a hurry to find a full time job- I'm enjoying life too much right now to start doing something just to do it. I would much rather spend the summer enjoying the people I care about and spending time with them. It will be like being a teacher, without the paycheck! I am actually looking into being a flight attendant, if nothing comes up with the companies I currently work for. Why not?
I AM going to be a tourist tomorrow- it's Twomey's birthday, so we are going out and having fun. Blogs to come about my last week in NY, and on tour....
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Penn Station Plummet
I still can't believe I did this.
Last night we had our opening night party at Madison Square Garden. It was really great- my boss was in town, and I invited one of the figure skaters I used to work with, Tim. We had a great time catching up and visiting.
After the party, I headed into Penn Station to meet Kevin and a few friends at a bar before heading back home on the train for the night. I walked in, and the escalator was not working. No worries- just walk on down, right? Wrong.
About three steps into it, my heel slipped on the metal, and I started falling. And falling. And falling. Of course, there was no one on the ENTIRE escalator for me to run into and stop. I literally tumbled down about 20 to 25 stairs in the middle of Penn Station. And I'm not talking about like when you were a little kid and you would slide on your butt down the steps. I'm talking acrobat tumbling somersault falling. I heard a lot of "oh my gods" and "ddaaammmnnnns" and "ooohhhhhs" in the seven to eight seconds I think it took me to reach the bottom. I just kept thinking- maybe I'll stop on the next one. Nope. All the way down. It was unreal.
About 25 people had gathered around me, and security and an EMT showed up. I was "fine" according to me. But good lord you should see my bruises. They are pretty impressive. I'm even bruised behind one of my ears. And my chin is blue. And my legs and sides... oh my.
Luckily my purse was zipped up, but my BlackBerry was lost during the whole little adventure. It must have been in my jacket pocket, and someone picked it up. When we called it this morning, they had downloaded a nice rap song as a ring tone. Luckily, my clothes and shoes came out of the tumble unscathed.
So no phone for a few days until my replacement shows up, and I will no doubt be black and blue for quite a few weeks to come.
Last night we had our opening night party at Madison Square Garden. It was really great- my boss was in town, and I invited one of the figure skaters I used to work with, Tim. We had a great time catching up and visiting.
After the party, I headed into Penn Station to meet Kevin and a few friends at a bar before heading back home on the train for the night. I walked in, and the escalator was not working. No worries- just walk on down, right? Wrong.
About three steps into it, my heel slipped on the metal, and I started falling. And falling. And falling. Of course, there was no one on the ENTIRE escalator for me to run into and stop. I literally tumbled down about 20 to 25 stairs in the middle of Penn Station. And I'm not talking about like when you were a little kid and you would slide on your butt down the steps. I'm talking acrobat tumbling somersault falling. I heard a lot of "oh my gods" and "ddaaammmnnnns" and "ooohhhhhs" in the seven to eight seconds I think it took me to reach the bottom. I just kept thinking- maybe I'll stop on the next one. Nope. All the way down. It was unreal.
About 25 people had gathered around me, and security and an EMT showed up. I was "fine" according to me. But good lord you should see my bruises. They are pretty impressive. I'm even bruised behind one of my ears. And my chin is blue. And my legs and sides... oh my.
Luckily my purse was zipped up, but my BlackBerry was lost during the whole little adventure. It must have been in my jacket pocket, and someone picked it up. When we called it this morning, they had downloaded a nice rap song as a ring tone. Luckily, my clothes and shoes came out of the tumble unscathed.
So no phone for a few days until my replacement shows up, and I will no doubt be black and blue for quite a few weeks to come.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
This and That
Wow- the last few weeks have just flown by. And I have been a terrible blogger. I haven't even checked Facebook every day! That just shows how bad I have been at keeping in touch with the world, because I am obsessed with FB.
Anyway, after Indiana, I went to Providence, RI for a week. The weather was beautiful, and I took some time during the week when I had free days to take a trip to Boston, and a trip to Newport. I made Kevin take the city bus with me to Newport because it was only $2.00 each way.... not a good idea. I thought he was going to either kill me, or the other people on the bus by the time we got back. SO GHETTO. I guess some things are worth renting a car for. But Newport was great- we visited The Breakers, which is one of the Vanderbilt mansions. A little over the top for my taste, but impressive none the less.
See this dog below? I thought- how funny that they have statues of dogs in the yard to show that they had pets! I felt pretty dumb when it was explained to me it keeps the birds away. At least I got a good laugh out of myself.
After Rhode Island, I flew back to Cleveland for two weeks to get work done on my new condo. I was having the entire place painted, the bathroom re-done, and all new floors put in. At least, those were the large projects. Then there are the ten million little things that need to be done later. My dad came over earlier in the week to help me with things, I made 20 trips to Lowe's, and Kevin came in on Thursday night to help with floors. Well, pretty much do the floors.
Anyway, after Indiana, I went to Providence, RI for a week. The weather was beautiful, and I took some time during the week when I had free days to take a trip to Boston, and a trip to Newport. I made Kevin take the city bus with me to Newport because it was only $2.00 each way.... not a good idea. I thought he was going to either kill me, or the other people on the bus by the time we got back. SO GHETTO. I guess some things are worth renting a car for. But Newport was great- we visited The Breakers, which is one of the Vanderbilt mansions. A little over the top for my taste, but impressive none the less.
I can't believe how many little things can go wrong with remodeling. I mean, nothing was terrible, but nothing goes totally the way you want it to. I think I have watched too many Extreme Home Makeovers. In my head, the painting would be done in a few days, the sink and toilet would just plop in, and the floors would be in with no problem. Lets just say it didn't quite go like that. But it's on the way.
I had a great time in Cleveland visiting with friends and family when we were not at the condo- lunches, drinks, dinners, visits, Easter....
Yesterday, Kevin and I drove my car from Cleveland to Long Island. Our last two weeks of shows are in NYC at Madison Square Garden, and then the tour is over. The drive was long, but fine. Minus the fact that my AC is not working. We are staying with his aunt and making the commute to the City for work every day.
What comes next? I have a few things up my sleeve, so stayed tuned.
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