I spent the two days before Christmas in Seattle, and it was great! It was the first time I really felt the Christmas spirit. It's hard with living in hotels and theatres. You miss out on the excitement of getting together for dinners, going shopping, planning. But Seattle was booming for the holidays. Their downtown area was filled with shoppers and Christmas trees and music. Just beautiful!
We did our Secret Santa unveiling on Saturday night, and it was so fun. We gathered around the huge tree in the lobby of our hotel, and everyone opened their last gift. You then had to guess who your Secret Santa was. Only about 7 or 8 people guessed correctly, and I was one of them. :) My Santa went WAY overboard on gifts! I got socks, bath stuff, wine, food for the bus, a Jesus change purse, and for my final gift, a great lotion package. It was my friend Jason, who was on tour with us last year! I knew it had to be someone I had known for a while, who was very generous, and probably a gay guy who knew how to shop well, so he was my first guess!
Darrel and I went to the Pikes Place market on Sunday afternoon, where they throw the fish. Great place- I bought Ernie a huge lobster tail and scallops for Christmas that I brought home on the plane! We celebrated our Christmas at Ruth's Chris steakhouse and did gifts there. It was perfect. Then off to catch my red eye home!